Project Co-ordinator
Professor Of Biophysical Chemistry
1. U Günther and Brian Schaffhausen. Studying Protein Interactions by Lineshape Analysis, in Ligand binding and ligandscreening by NMR", Progr Magn Reson Spectroscopy. In preparation.
2. Bjerrum JT, Steenholdt C, Ainsworth M, Nielsen OH, Reed MA, Atkins K, Günther UL, Hao F, Wang Y. Metabonomics uncovers a reversible proatherogenic lipid profile during infliximab therapy of inflammatory bowel disease. BMC Medicine 15(1), 184 (2017). doi: 10.1186/s12916-017-0949-7
3. Chong G, Jayaraman A, Marin S, Selivanov V, de Atauri Carulla PR, Tennant DA, Cascante M, Günther UL, Ludwig C.Combined analysis of NMR and MS spectra (CANMS) for tracer based metabolic flux experiments. Accepted inAngewandte Chemie 56(15), 4140-44 (2017). DOI: 10.1002/anie.201611634
4. Singhal R, Reed MA, Ludwig C, Alderson D, Günther UL. Metabolomics approach for Oesophageal Cancer. Neoplasia19(3):165-174 (2017)
5. Schofield Z, Thompson MA, Atkins K, Newsome P, Adams D, Günther UL, Lalor P. Metabolic profiles of alcoholic andNon-alcoholic steatohepatitis. World Journal of Gastroenterology 23(15): 2685-2695 (2017).
6. Reed M AC, Ludwig C, Bunce CM, Khanim FL, Günther UL. Malonate as a ROS Product is Associated with PyruvateCarboxylase Activity in AML cells. Cancer & Metabolism 4, 15-22 (2016).
7. Carrigan JB, Reed M AC, Ludwig C, Khanim FL, Bunce CM, Günther UL. Tracer-Based Metabolic NMR-based FluxAnalysis in a Leukaemia Cell Line. Under review in ChemPlusChem 81(5):453-459 (2016).
8. Salek RM, Neumann S, Schober D, Hummel J, Billiau K, Kopka J, Correa E, Reijmers T, Rosato A, Tenori L, Turano P,Marin S, Deborde C, Jacob D, Rolin D, Dartigues B, Conesa P, Haug K, Rocca-Serra P, O’Hagan S, Hao J, van Vliet M,Sysi-Aho M, Ludwig C, Bouwman J, Cascante M, Ebbels T, Griffin JL, Moing A, Nikolski M, Oresic M, Sansone S-A,Viant MR, Goodacre R, Guenther UL, Hankemeier T, Luchinat C, Walther D, and Steinbeck C. COordination of Standards in MetabOlomicS (COSMOS): facilitating integrated metabolomics data access. Metabolomics 11, 1587 (2015).
9. Ulrich L Günther. Metabolomics Biomarkers for Breast Cancer. Pathobiology 82:153–165 (2015). DOI: 10.1159/000430844
10. Sotirios Katsikis, Christian Ludwig and Ulrich L Günther. A microcontroller based transfer device for dissolutionhyperpolarization experiments. Applied Magnetic Resonance (2015). DOI 10.1007/s00723-015-0680-5
11. Katarzyna M. Koczula, Christian Ludwig, Rachel Hayden, Laura Cronin, Guy Pratt, Helen Parry, Daniel Tennant, MarkDrayson, Christopher M. Bunce, Farhat L. Khanim, Ulrich L. Günther. Metabolic plasticity in CLL: Adaptation to thehypoxic niche. Leukemia 30(1):65-73 (2015). doi:10.1038/leu.2015.187
12. Khanim F, Davies N, Veliça P, Hayden R, Ride J, Pararasa C, Chong MG, Gunther U, Veerapen N, Winn P, Farmer R,Trivier E, Rigoreau L, Drayson M, Bunce C. Selective AKR1C3 inhibitors do not recapitulate the anti-leukaemic activitiesof the pan-AKR1C inhibitor medroxyprogesterone acetate. Br J Cancer. 110(6):1506-16 (2014).
13. Jacob Tveiten Bjerrum, Yulan Wang, Fuhua Hao, Mehmet Coskun, Christian Ludwig, Ulrich Günther and Ole HaagenNielsen. Metabonomics of human fecal extracts characterize ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease and healthy individuals.Metabolomics 11, 122 (2015). DOI 10.1007/s11306-014-0677-3.
14. Purać J, Kojić D, Popović ŽD, Vukašinović E, Tiziani S, Günther UL, Grubor-Lajšić G. Metabolomic Analysis of Diapausing and Noni-diapausing Larvae of the European Corn Borer Ostrinia nubilalis (Hbn.) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). Acta Chim Slov. 62(4):761-767 (2015).
15. Singhal R, Carrigan JB, Wei W, Taniere P, Hejmadi RK, Forde C, Ludwig C, Bunch J, Griffiths RL, Johnson PJ, TuckerO, Alderson D, Günther UL, Ward DG. MALDI profiles of proteins and lipids for the rapid characterisation of upper GI-tract cancers. Journal of Proteomics 80C:207-215 (2013).
16. Lodi, S. Tiziani, F.L. Khanim, U.L. Günther, M.R. Viant, G.J. Morgan, C.M. Bunce and M.T. Drayson. Proton NMR-basedmetabolite analyses of archived serial paired serum and urine samples from myeloma patients at different stages ofdisease activity identifies acetylcarnitine as a novel marker of active disease. PLoS ONE 8(2): e56422 (2013).
17. Sánchez-Tena S, Reyes-Zurita FJ, Díaz-Moralli S, Vinardell MP, Reed M, García-García F, Dopazo J, Lupiáñez JA, Günther U, Cascante M. PLoS ONE. 8(3): e59392. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0059392